Dr. Linda Strande recieves 11th ISHA

20 September, 2024

On Friday, September 20 15:30 h, the International Steven Hoogendijk Award will be presented for the eleventh time, this time to Dr. Linda Strande for her contributions to the development of safe and efficient methods for water purification in the megapolis of this world that can effectively, efficiently, and affordably improve hygiene by leaps and bounds.

The Society is particularly pleased to award the 11th ISHA medal to Dr. Strande given that the Society’s founding in 1769 was also focused on improving the water quality in the canals of Rotterdam, then with the help of the newly introduced steam turbine (here).

Linda Strande receives the ISHA medal from Mayor Aboutaleb, who will thus fulfill his last act as Praeses Magnificus of the Batavian Society.

On Thursday, September 19 Dr. Linda Strande will give a public lecture (free admission):
“Urban Non-sewered Sanitation: Integrating Recent Advancements for Globally Relevant Solutions”, starting at 4:00 PM at the TU Delft faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Stevinweg 1, Delft.

And on Friday, September 20, there will be a symposium in honor of Dr. Strande, with programme:
09:30 Reception of guests
10:00 Opening by Prof.dr.ir. Kees Vuik (BGPW)
10:10 Urban sanitation in the global south: the necessity of innovative solutions.
Dr. Konstantina Velkushanova (IHE Delft)
10:30 How can technology play a role in access to safe and affordable drinking water for all?
Prof.dr.ir. Doris van Halem (TU Delft)
10:50 Coffee break
11:10 Keeping pathogens under control
Prof.dr. Ana Maria de Roda Husman (RIVM)
11:30 Humanitarian Sanitation: challenges from practice
Ir. Marij Zwart (Red Cross)
11:50 Plenary Discussion led by Prof.dr.ir. Merle de Kreuk
12:30 Lunch Place of action: Prinses Theater, Schiedamseweg 19B, Rotterdam (here)
(Admission: free. Register before September 13 via the secretariat)